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  • 和振伟--2024喀什新能源产业创新发展专题研讨致辞 和振伟--2024喀什新能源产业

  • 2024喀什新能源产业创新发展专题研讨花絮 2024喀什新能源产业创新发展

  • 刘汉如--2024喀什新能源产业创新发展专题研讨发言 刘汉如--2024喀什新能源产业

当前位置: 首页 > About Us > Introduction of CODA > About CODA

Character and Purpose
Approved by the National Development and Reform Commission and registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs , China Overseas Development Association(CODA) is a national social organization with the legal person qualification , which was established in August 2003 .

Under the guidance of the National Development and Reform Commission , CODA has been  fully  implementing  the  national  policies  and  promoting  the  Belt  and  Road  joint cooperation , as well as providing services for national businesses to go global and invest overseas by playing its role as the bridge and link , organizing and coordinating companies to develop outbound investment , offering consultation .

The Association Council  has  president , vice  president , secretary  general and deputy secretary   general ,  consisting  of  office ,  integrated   department  and   related   business departments , and a number of specialized committees and liaison offices .
           Zeng Peiyan Former Vice Premier of
the State Council Honorary President                        
He Zhenwei President of CODA

Vice Presidents (Sort by last name's stroke)







Function and Business

Referring  to  the  requirements  of  fully  building  a  modern  China ,  to  thoroughly  implement  the  new development philosophy and actively serve high-quality development and international capacity investment cooperation;

To play the role of bridge and link between the government , enterprises , and relevant institutions; and to provide information consulting services and policy suggestions for the development of enterprises at home and abroad , in accordance with national economy, industrial policies and industry requirements;

To guide and promote domestic and overseas enterprises , social organizations , especially member units , to actively participate  in the  high-quality  international cooperation of 'the  Belt and  Road  Initiative ' , and actively well serve relevant work and exchanges;

To focus on major issues such as the construction of the new development paradigm , to carry out related research  projects  and  market  research ,  and  give  opinions  and  suggestions  on  industry  and  enterprise development to relevant government departments;

To actively build a platform for investment cooperation and exchange at home and abroad , and regularly or  irregularly  hold  foreign  investment  fairs ,  special forums ,  industrial  product  exhibitions , country investment briefings, project promotion conferences , seminars , etc . ;

To strengthen close ties , exchanges and cooperation with foreign embassies and consulates in China and relevant investment promotion agencies in Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan regions , actively promote  multilateral  economic  exchanges  and  interconnectivity ,  and  provide  services  for  domestic enterprises on their 'Going Global ' investment development ;

To  timely  provide  member   units  and  domestic  market  entities  with   relevant  industrial  policy information , project development information , investment cooperation intention , business environment , legal consultation and risk prevention services at home and abroad ;

To organize member units and enterprise executives to carry out professional training , overseas project inspection , and participate in relevant special conferences at home and abroad , and constantly improve  the  decision - making  ability  and  management  of  enterprises ,  as  required  or  entrusted  by government departments;

To establish the information exchange mechanism between member units , utilize the  Internet to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation , and well serve propogand a and promotion;

To strengthen self-discipline c onstruction , safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of member units  in  accordance  with   laws   and  regulations ,  follow  the   leadership  of  the   superior   party  and government departments , and complete assigned tasks .

Overview of Important Activities
The  Association  conductsinternational  exchanges  and  cooperation  with  overseas   government departments ,  business  associations ,  financial  sectors ,  legal  institutions ,  and  various  market  entities , organizes field  investigations , and signs strategic cooperation agreements , cooperation memoranda and other  activities;  obtains  domestic  and  foreign  investment  and  trade  information  through  exchanges  and cooperation , to  provide  credit  services  for  enterprises  'Going  Global '  and  their  participation  in  the  co - construction of 'the Belt and Road Initiative







Under the guidance of the National Development and Reform Commission , the Association actively plays the leading role of China in the ministerial cooperation and dialogue mechanism , fully participates in and promotes China - Kazakhstan capacity cooperation ,  having achieved  remarkable  results . The 52  projects invested by China are listed as key projects in China - Kazakhstan capacity cooperation , which got highly praised as the model of cooperation between China and Kazakhstan , by President Xi Jinping and President Tokayev during the talks .

